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A Dreamer
A Dreamer


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I'm Stefanie and I put my thoughts here
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we just..

And finally, that dreams come true. We meet again after six months of suffering. Not just me but both of us feel the same, feel of losing, feel empty. Yeahh, it's just my conclusion. Kinda late for posting this since we're back exactly on December last year, but who cares?
I'm just hoping the best for us, for now and in the future. No more tears, just happy life. Because I see him in my future. I just see that and I can't explain it. Because love do not need a reason, we just.. love♥

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that's all I really have. thank you for still surviving in my brain J

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when you..

"It's scary to find someone that makes you happy, you start giving them all your attention because they make you forget everything bad in your life. It all sounds great to have that someone, but it's scary to think about how easily they could just leave and take that happiness away too when they go.."
I admit that these quote were right,
When you trust someone with all your heart, sometimes their mistake were never distracted you.
When you trust them too much, you'll expect and end up being hurt, too much.
When you trust them too much, sometimes we forgot that they just a human, just like us. Makes mistake, hurt us, because they have their ego, just like us.
When you trust them too much, you'll give them all. 100% of you. And it's bad.
When you trust them too much, they seem take all your happiness away when they go.
When you trust them too much, you'll pray for them even they aren't with you anymore.
It's kinda scary, right?

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Azyumardi – Anies : Tidak Hanya Lisan Tapi Juga Tindakan!

Primetime News - 3 Juli 2014

Pemilihan presiden tinggal hitungan hari, namun kampanye hitam semakin marak, salah satunya adalah kampanye fitnah, yang ditujukan kepada calon Presiden-Wakil Presiden Jokowi-JK. Tabloid Obor Rakyat yang memuat sejumlah fitnah kepada Jokowi-JK, tidak diproses secara tegas oleh penegak hukum. Menurut seorang cendekiawan Islam Azyumardi Azra, negara kita hanya kondonim, diam seolah merestui kampanye hitam tersebut. Bahkan dari Istana Negara sendiri tidak ada instruksi untuk menindak lanjuti kampanye fitnah, seolah-olah istana sendiri tidak netral. Menurutnya seharusnya orang yang terlibat dalam kampanye tersebut, harus di non aktifkan, namun dirinya pesimis bahwa kampanye hitam bisa dibenahi. Negara kita memasuki masa rawan menjelang PilPres 9 Juli 2014 mendatang, Azyumardi menyatakan bahwa kita harus netral, tidak hanya dalam statement, melainkan dalam tindakan pula.
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